The DN will appear on the right-hand side under the tab name.
#Ldap query user name code

If authentication fails, the system will query the next server in the queue. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds for the system to system to successfully authenticate a single server ( 5000 is the default value). If you do not specify the port number, the port number 389 will be used for non-encryption protocol and 636 will be used for SSL protocol. There are a lot of cheap/easy articles that use recursion to solve the problem. Enter Recursion: Retrieving a User’s LDAP Group Membership Completely. Users these days don’t expect queries that take minutes to complete. Check the LDAP server documentation for information on forming such queries. For example, a restriction based on group membership would use memberOf. This must include both the item to search as well as the method of searching. You will get an error message if you enter a duplicate server IP address or hostname. Even though it’s an LDAP query, it’s also Active Directory specific. Specifies an extra restriction to query after the username, which allows group membership to be used as a filter. This is a mandatory field and is editable once created. To enter the server IP address/hostname and the server port. The username attribute is the field name from the LDAP attributes of your LDAP server that represents the user ID, such as uid or sAMAccountName. To enter the connection name of the LDAP server. Access Server uses this base distinguished name (DN) to perform an LDAP query to find the users entry. First, youll need to ask your Network/Systems Administrator for your LDAP info then we can continue to the query. The option to enable a connection with the LDAP server. Once the linked server is created we can now setup our query to return the information we need.